Influenza Vaccine

Government FULL subsidy for >50years old/ eligible persons


Plan Details


Inactivated Influenza Vaccine

Route of Administration

Intramuscular Injection


Contains inactivated(killed) influenza viruses

Doses in Routine Series

1 dose

Working Hours

Monday to Friday:9 am – 6 pm
Saturday:9 am – 1 pm
Sunday and Public Holiday:Closed

eHealth System & Health Care Voucher

We can upload images to eHRSS.
We support the use of Health Care Voucher.

More Information
Precautions for Inactivated influenza vaccines (LAIV):

  • Eligible groups to receive subsidised seasonal influenza vaccination:
  • Healthcare Workers
  • Persons of Age 50 Years or Above
  • Pregnant Women
  • Residents of Residential Care Homes (for the Elderly or Persons with Disabilities)
  • Persons with High-Risk Conditions
  • Children of Age Below 18 Years / Secondary School Students
  • Workers in Poultry, Pig Farming and Pig Slaughtering Industry
  • Persons with Intellectual Disability
  • Recipients of Disability Allowance / standard rate of “100% disabled” or “requiring constant attendance” under CSSA
  • Persons with egg allergy:
  • Generally safe to receive vaccination
  • Mild allergy : can get vaccinated in primary care setting
  • Severe allergy : Should have vaccination administered by healthcare professionals in appropriate medical facilities with capacity to recognise and manage severe allergic reactions.
  • If an individual suffers from fever on the day of vaccination, vaccination should be deferred till recovery.

Possible Side Effects

  • Local reactions : Pain, Redness and swelling
  • Other symptoms : Fever, Tiredness, Muscle Pain

Side effects of SIV are generally mild and temporary. If you experience persistent fever, severe allergic reactions (e.g. difficulty in breathing, swelling of the lip or tongue, hives,etc.) or other adverse events after receiving SIV, please consult a doctor immediately.

Points to note before vaccination appointment:​

  1. Please bring the immunization record (i.e. injection card) and travel documents (i.e. travel pass/passport). If you do not have the injection card, you will not be able to get the vaccine for children.
  2. All vaccination services need to be booked in advance. For vaccines with multiple doses paid at a time, please make appointment for subsequent vaccination when you get the first doses.
  3. Please ensure that you have no severe hypersensitivity to the vaccine. (Persons who have egg allergy cannot have flu vaccine and MMRV vaccine, have yeast allergy cannot have Gardasil 9 HPV Vaccine). Please make prior declaration if you have previous known history of any hypersensitivity, and doctor will assess whether you can make appointment for vaccination.
  4. On the day of vaccination, please ensure that you have no fever. (Those who name a body temperature exceeding 37.5 degrees are not eligible for vaccination).
  5. Children’s vaccines require professionals to evaluate. Patients are advised to take a photo of the injection card and send it to the clinic beforehand.
  6. Clinic accepts credit cards and UnionPay etc, and without additional handling fees.

What is the recommended composition of the 2024-25 seasonal influenza vaccine?

The egg-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine recommended by the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (SCVPD) for the 2024-25 season contain the following:

  • an A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus
  • an A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like virus
  • a B/Austria/1359417/2021(B/Victoria lineage)-like virus
  • a B/Phuket/3073/2013(B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus

Source: Centre for Health Protection